Keys to being follower...
1. Dedicate a place to prayer and devotion. Meet with God every night and morning for prayer, worship and/or
Bible reading. (Some do just morning, just night, or split the prayer, worship, and reading between the two.)
2. Study the Word of God at least 15 minuets per day. Let God speak to you through His Word. The Bible
is FOOD for the soul and spirit of mortal man. "As new babes, desire the milk of the Word, that ye may grow there by."
1 Peter 2:2
3. Join a Bible study. Attend Church often. "Forsake yet not the assymbleing of yourselves together,
as is the manor of some... " Hebrews 10:25
4. Be baptized, if not already.
5. Work for God. He left the winning of souls into the kingdom for us. (He readies them, we harvest
them. Mortals dont get people saved. We just help God by being the Hands and Feet of Christ to this watching world.)
6. Stay clear of evil companions... avoid any book, person, amusement or pleasure that is not uplifting
to the heart and soul.
7.Give support to God's work... 10% to the store house and more as you feel lead.
8. Do not be discouraged.
9. Read these offten...
Psalms 1, Psalms 23, Psalms 34, Psalms 73, Psalms 84, and Psalms 91
Isaiah 53
Matthew 5
Luke 11
John 1, John 3, John 14, John 17
Acts 1 and 2
Romans 8
1 Corinthans
Revalations 21 and 22